Recycled Steel

Building Green: How Recycled Steel Can Revolutionize Sustainable Construction in India

  • India is the world’s second-largest consumer of finished steel.
  • Crude steel production surged from 109.25 MT in 2018 to 124.72 MT in 2022.
  • Global crude steel production in 2022 reached 1878.5 MT.
  • China remains the largest steel producer globally.
  • World Steel projects India’s steel demand to grow by 6.7% in 2023.
  • India’s steel consumption is expected to rise by 7.5% in fiscal year 2023-2024.
  • Because of Environmental benefits: Steel production from virgin ore is a major contributor to environmental problems. Here’s how recycled steel helps
  • Because of Lower CO2 emissions: Manufacturing steel from recycled scrap requires significantly less energy than virgin steel, resulting in a dramatic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It is estimated that CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 70% compared to virgin steel
  • Because of Reduce air and water pollution: Recycling steel avoids the air and water pollution associated with traditional steel production processes like coking coal, which release harmful pollutants
  • Because of Conserves resources: Recycled steel uses existing steel, reducing the need to extract new iron ore, a limited resource. This helps in conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental impact of mining
  • Because of Economic Benefits: Recycling of steel also provides economic benefits:
  • Because of Lower production costs: Recycled steel requires less energy and raw materials than virgin steel, potentially reducing production costs.
  • Because of Job creation: The recycling industry creates jobs in the collection, processing and transportation of scrap steel.
  • Because of Sustainable steel industry: Focusing on recycled steel is an important step toward a more sustainable steel industry. This allows us to meet the demand for steel while reducing the environmental impact of its production.
  • Increasing recycling rates: Globally, about 35% of steel comes from recycled scrap, but this percentage has the potential to increase significantly.
  • Improved recycling technologies: Investing in and developing improved technologies for sorting, processing and utilizing scrap steel can further increase the efficiency and economic feasibility of recycled steel.

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