Lintel Beam And Its Types
Lintel Beam

The Importance and Types of Lintels in Building Construction

Why Lintels Are Important for the Building construction,

  • Wooden lintels can be a single piece or assembled from multiple pieces.
  • Strengthening with steel plates at the top and bottom creates flitched beams, enhancing their load-bearing capacity.
  • Stone lintels, made from available stones, are suitable for small spans due to stone’s weakness in tension.
  • Their depth is typically kept around 1/10th of the span, and they are cut and dressed to match the wall’s width.
Types of Lintels
  • Constructed using well-burnt, high-quality bricks laid on ends or edges to form lintels.
  • Temporary formwork is required during construction, and curing for 7–14 days is essential before removing the formwork.
  • R.C.C. lintels can span any required distance and are commonly used in modern buildings.
  • They can be isolated or continuous over openings and are reinforced, with main reinforcements typically placed on the lower side within the opening. Refer Is code 456-2000 For The design
  • Steel angles or rolled steel I-sections are used as lintels, often with tube separators to maintain spacing.
  • Regular painting is necessary for sections exposed to atmospheric conditions, and they may be encased in concrete to reduce maintenance requirements.

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